

most of the times, i can't do the best or perfect things without mistake, but i'm always trying my best to reduce the mistake to make things better than before... so i will take the challenges but please understand me i'm the only person... take times... and thank you...


no holiday next week...

Tomorrow, 6th Feb and the day after tomorrow, 7th Feb should be public holidays... but why... why my company still operate for this 2 days... and that means I got to work while most of them are enjoying 4 straight holidays from Saturday until Tuesday... so great they have holiday again after CNY even that's just 2 days but it means a lot for us... (hahaha... maybe I'm lazy person)

Well, my next holiday is 1st May,  Labour Day... still a bit far from now, right... but nevermind, I will still apply leave in March just for my D5 gathering trip (hopefully it's on)

Erm... I just enjoying the moment when everyone stick back together... the feeling is nice when everyone be together again... just hope to see most of them soon... =)