
The First Week of AGD1

The new semester of Advance Diploma in Graphic Design(AGD1) had started on this Monday. It will be another new begining for those who further their study at TARC again. Well, I guess that's only 5 persons from our class are going to study this time. Anyway, do your best and good luck to you all who is going to study at other college soon and also to those went for work. I will always miss you guys!!

After this few day classes, I just found out that there are 3 theory classes out of 4 subjects. Haiz... theory again and there are 3 somemore! What a most pity thing for SSSH students to study theory and especially we're the GRAPHIC DESIGNERS. Well, we don't have a choice but just accept whatever it offers because we are TARCIAN, learn many compare with other professional college in Mass Comm field.

Erm... after see the time table, I think the Communication Theories and Communication Research Methods are not an easy subject. As what you can see from the title subject, we need learn those theories and research method about an issue. We may requested to write a long report or you can call it in professional way, the thesis. And from what we heard from Edwin said, this subject is offered to us is to teach us the thesis base so we can prepare the thesis well when further study oversea. Erm... so, we can't change the fact and just hoping the lecturer and tutor are good in teaching...

For Edwin's class, Infographic, where the designer need to design the icon, symbol or a plate to give the info to public. So, this subject is the only design subject for this semester and it will be interesting too. And before the class really started, he just asked us "Why you want to take Advance?" with his funny smiling face. Haha... for me, I'm taking Advance is to further my knowledge not only the design skills but also to find out the way of generate the idea from study.I also looking toward for learning some new design softwares like Flash and Dreamweaver that contribute to web page design which is quite basic requirement for a graphic designer. And of course another common reason of continue Advance at TARC is C-H-E-A-P CHEAP~ or you can say it in a better way, affordable. Hahaha...

Another subject for the sem will be Translation and Graphic Design. Erm... this subject is totally do with language and is all about translation. And the lecturer remind me of something, "Money is not everything but everything is about money" and "You can't change the pass and control the future but what can do is now" Erm... what she said is really true and always stick to it. Anyway, I just want to tell you that this subject is not that easy but it makes a lot of funny stuff when comes to literal translate. So, it will be fun even though it will be a little tricky. Haha... I quite like it and hope the coming assignment is just fine.

Erm... this is all I want to post about this week. Now I feel a little tired and sleepy because of looking for room to rent and it has been settled. Now just wait for assignment and start again... my college life...

