
Second week of AGD1

Monday translation class is always fun like Miss Tan asked us to find out the slogan or anything wrote in English and BM version last week and share your opinion about the translation is whether good or bad during the class. And there is 1 really funny when D4's Eng Soon wrote the Nike's slogan, "Just Do It" with the translation in BM, "Buat Sahajalah". Teacher asked where he get the translation, he answered he got it from his friend own translation. Then, the whole class laughed include Miss Tan. Hahaha... well, the fact is the Nike slogan still remain as "Just Do It" in all the language versions and this is where we should pay attention to and don't simply translate it directly because you might end up lose your job in future. So, translation for me has become a quite challenging subject yet it's quite fun too. And 1 more thing that amaze me is Miss Tan's memory. She's always well prepared when comes to class and I think she had memorized all the big company's slogans in English and BM version. Woah~ what a good memory with her age now... hahaha... ^^

Tuesday was the fisrt lecture of Communication Research Method. And the class really makes me want to get crazy all suddenly because it's a theory class. I really hate theory especially a format of anything that need us to follow it exactly. Hate it... When the lecturer was keep on saying and explaining the format, my mind suddenly was "over-thinking". What I mean by "over-thinking" here is my mind comes out with some kind of resistance that keep blocking everything the lecturer said and keep on asking why I should learn this subject. As what Edwin said previously, this subject is learned to guide us for thesis writing in UK. But let's think further and farer, is it benefit us when we come out to work as graphic designer? Unfortunately the answer would be no. If a company is looking for someone to serve them an annual report or speech for presentation, definitely they will look for public relation or journalism graduate. Impossible for them to hire a graphic designer to write them a news, right? So, I totally pay no attention to the lecture.

Oh yah... after Edwin's tutorial that day, Yan Wei and Joanne went to ask Edwin for something. And this is what I heard from them, our diploma certificate is stated as "Diploma In Mass Communication" but after 2 years it will be changed to "Diploma in Graphic Design" which means the syllabus will be more focus specifically on graphic design instead of mass communication. Woah~ should I happy or sad? Happy is TARC finally has Diploma in Graphic Design instead of mass communication that we can no need to learn non-graphic design subjects. Sad is there will only happen after 2 years PERHAPS... Haiz... too bad I had already graduated that time...

Comes to Thursday, there is also another theory lecture which is Communication Theories on 8am somemore. But LUCKILY the lecturer makes the whole lecture a bit interesting and funny, or else I think I won't pay attention to it neither. After the lecture will be Edwin's practical class, and we are given assignment finally. We are requested to use the pictogram to form a story. In the same time, he also suggest us a few ways to improve our portfolio and to make whole the assignment look tidy and great. I really appreciate his suggestions and what I need to do now is be more hardworking and more passionate to all the works.

Well, that's all I want to share about this week. And after I been through this 2 weeks, I realize that the relationship between each other is still remain as their own group during Diploma. D1 stick with D1, D2 with D2...... is there a way that make us stick closely to each other? Erm... that day also heard Edwin said maybe want to seperate into 2 class since unexpected that many students. What to say??

1 条评论:

  1. wao..totally pay no attention to the lecture**nice post..keep it up!
    frm see.
