

i didn't sleep well for yesterday night
or should i say this morning
after a gathering with my old friends
till reached home around 3am
i thought it would be easily fall asleep for me after a long day
but something bothering me
or just the cup of classic hazelnut latte
keep me half awake the whole dream

a friend planned work in Australia
to earn enough money and even start his new life there
a decision he made surprise me because he's a wistful and care for family person
earn money in the first place, a shortcut he think to earn more money
and explore the new country in the same time
well, it would be a wow from me for him
as it probably won't happen on me

a number figure that everyone wish for more and never less
a debit to start a relationship
a sense of security provider
a way to show off in social
a unit to measure happiness today
is it all true? more or less
materialistic and the realistic
it conquer most people's mind at present

other than just money
is there something else that we live for it?
maybe i'm still looking for it
but there is a quote
"life's not about finding yourself but creating yourself"
yes, maybe i should create myself
like chance

to be the money's owner
and not the money slaver 

to my friends
i wish all the best for your journey
a part of your life
just fight for it
same to me

for me
i guess not the money or income i should bother
but the self value of myself is my first place
and relationship will be the next

