During the time when I was still jobless
my ex-colleagues asked me to help her in a part time job as QC
in a Metrix Research Company located at Menara Dato' Onn (next to PWTC)
Well, this is my first experience become a QC as I still not really clear with what QC's job
as I knew I responsible to observe the whole progress of the interview with the Chinese respondent
From the job, I get to know 3 new friends who are younger than me about 2-3 years old.
and it's really surprise that all of us have the same interest in watching anime
2 of them are girls living in PJ and studying their degree at Sabah
and now it's their sem break so they just take the time to earn extra pocket money
while the other 1 is boy who has finished his Diploma in IT at the same college with me (TARC)
It's really nice to meet 3 of them
and sooner we get along to each other
during the last day of the part time job
we were planing for a steamboat bbq to celebrate our last day
well... they are very talkative and funny that made us the noisiest crowd at the restaurant
just 3 of them
Even the part time is over
we are still keep in touch
and the most memorable moment with them
is the day we all went for sing k
if you knew me... you know that I speak softly all the time
but this time I was shouting with them in the k-box a song and a song
without apprehension and tension
it's really energetic and feel like being young again when hang around with them
they will make all the jokes or nonsense that you think is funny
although it's just a short time we have together
but I really appreciate it
thanks friend for teaching me to enjoy how friendship should it be
it's all about having the moment together
no matter happy or tough
no matter you're young or old
fresh or aged