
The taxi driver

Sorry, guys... it's been a while for me haven't update my blog once after back from Terengganu because I was quite busy with some assignments that require full concentration for it, a t-shirt design for a competition... however, I will try to blog about the Terengganu trip IF I have the time to settle with the photo uploading problems...

Well, these few days actually did happened a lot of things but now I really want to talk about what I had experienced today inside the taxi in the way from Dasein to the Wangsa Maju LRT Station.........

The taxi driver is an older chinese adult with around 40+ ages I guess... after we enter the taxi and See Hwai told him our destination, he just asked us back of which way we want to take to reach the LRT station... of course we want to take the shortest way but we haven't reply him in time, he just keep saying that we are mute in Cantonese and Mandarin all the way to the station... and asked us this and that until we really don't want to speak with him because we are really tired after attend the whole day class especially just finish the Mass Media Law tutorial... and I'm the one most unluckly because I sat the front seat which next to the driver... I just endured with those noise that made by the uncle until something funny happen......

See Hwai suddenly spoke up with Mandarin and made a really funny story that really surprised us... she just told the uncle that we all are English educated since we were young, we all speak English to each other include to our parents all the times, our grandpa and grandma are also English educated and even the father of our grandpa is also English educated too... (公公的爸爸妈妈也是讲英文的) Ee Kim, Chin Eng and me were there to bear with what See Hwai said but actually we really want to laugh at that time... and the story haven't end yet until the uncle keep asking her with different questions:

Uncle: 你们不会讲话的吗?哑巴的吗?你们不是华人不会讲华语还是广东话吗?
See: 我们全部讲英文长大的,跟爸爸妈妈也是讲英文的。公公婆婆也是讲英文的。
Ee Kim, Chin Eng & me: !!
Uncle: 哦,你们真的不会讲华语的吗?
See: 他们不是不会讲,只是怕讲的不准罢了。前面那个是混血儿来的,他的公公的爸爸妈妈也是讲英文的。
Ee Kim, Chin Eng & me: !!!
Uncle: 你们是学生吗?读拉曼的,是吗?
See: 哦,我们只有一个是读拉曼的,他就是还在那里学着华语...
Ee Kim, Chin Eng & me: !!!!
Uncle: 噢,我还以为你们真的是哑巴,不会讲话的... 不会讲,可以慢慢学...
Ee Kim, Chin Eng & me: =.=

I think the conversation was about like that... and what is in my mind that time is:“Walao...未免太扯了吧。什么公公的爸爸妈妈也是讲英文的,还有什么混血儿?好假... =.=”And this is my very first time that I saw See Hwai has that kind talent of making story, what a "good" story maker...and I also really "admire" See Hwai of her courage and dare to say somethings that are fake with a blink of eyes... hahaha... but it seems like the uncle really believe to what See Hwai bluff... what should I say, how fool of that uncle? Anyway, I don't wish to see this kind of taxi driver again because for me, he looks doesn't have any respect at all... how disappointed...

Well, that's all I want to share with you all about funny story in the taxi today... if you would like to ask more detail, maybe you can ask Chin Eng to act it out... because it's really very funny... hahaha....


Preparation to Terengganu

Class just end so quickly today... because we were just asked to show our idea development for T-shirt design to our tutor... that's it... but most of our works were rejected and need to improve more... so, I decided to redraw again based on what tutor told us this morning: simple but unique, do more research, creative without based on something and rational... great... finally know what exactly the tutor ask for...

After the class, I was going to Public Bank at Genting Kelang to pay the school fee with Mervin, Wei Lyn, Chin Eng and Hanz... but unfortunately the system down when Wei Lyn and me made the payment... haiz... so bad luck and stupid system... >.<

So, we went for our lunch at there as well... I order the same food with Wei Lyn as she recommended to me and Chin Eng, Mushroom Chicken Soup... well, it really tasted good especially the soup really made me full... then, we're having our conversation again and this time was talking about some "weird" things that are quite embarrassed... I really don't have idea of how to intervene in this kind of topic at these public places... >////////< and sometimes I also not really understand with what they actually talking about and if I say something wrong... they will definitely laugh... so, I think I better keep quiet there and just listen to them... =.=

We were scared by the cloudy day that time and so we decided to go home after a long "weird" conversation there... and tomorrow we will depart to Terengganu... so, I'm now bothered with what should I bring for this vacation... luckily Mervin's house provide us some stuffs, so it really help us a lot... really thanks to Mervin ^^ Well, today need to sleep early so can wake up tomorrow early too... haha... really can't wait for it... hehehe... good night and have a sweet dream, everyone~


Going To Terengganu~

Today's first class is Mass Media Law... the only subject that make me quite blur and can't fully understand it at all even I try to concentrate and listen to the class for 2 hours... quite disppointed... I hope the tutor can help me to solve the problems... or otherwise I will face a really serious matter... >.<

Then, we are briefed by our Marketing tutor for our group assignment... erm.... I think this assignment shouldn't be a problem for us since we had done almost the same stuff with advertising last semester... but, however I'm still confused with some part of the assignment and we haven't decide our group yet... this is the major trouble that we're all facing now... haiz... don't know how...

This semester we're going to study about Malaysia Culture too... and today is the first tutorial class... for us as graphic designer, we just think this subject is really done nothing with our course but still we need to learn more about our culture because we're Malaysian... anyway, today's class is quite fun for me and hope I able to do well in every presentation with enough preparation... hehehe...^^

Oh yah... there is also something that very funny happen today too... the bookseller just mess up himself by free us 1 more set of statute book and money too... this is my fisrt time having this kind of situation... what can I say... so lucky~ hahaha... I thought my friends will return the extra books and money back to the bookseller... however we didn't do so but we just distributed the extra money to ourselves and sell the extra set of book to another friend... hahaha... see, how bad we are for not being honest... hahaha.... XD

Next, I would like to say that I had made a decision that might shocked my parents and even myself today... which is I'm going to Mervin's house at Terengganu for 3 days... I really wonder what if I tell my parents later and what will be their expression... hahaha... because this is my first time going some place that far without my parents or auntie or uncle's care with my friends... anyway, I will take it as a challenge to take good care of myself at a unfamiliar place... and of course I will fully enjoy with my friends and take a lot of pictures too... hehe... XD

Well, tell you the truth, I'm now a little bit nervous and excited for this weekend's planning... hehehe...^^

Yesterday night...

Yesterday night... I was just acting weird... why? Erm... maybe because of hungry? =.='' After hang out with friends and finish settle down my things, then I went to sleep earlier... around 10.30pm if I was not mistaken because quite tired and sleepy too...

But... I was awake at around 12am... and I tried to continue my sleep but end up around 1am, yet I was still awake... oh my god... I couldn't sleep anymore so how? Then, I woke up and opened my laptop and watched 2 epidsode of anime... finished and went to my bed again...

Until 2am... I was just lying on the bed with open eyes... and thinking what happen to me that cause me can't sleep... =.= haiz... then, I think I might be hungry because when I was hungry, it will makes me awake and try to look for some food to eat... then, I cooked a bowl of curry mee by myself... finished but this couldn't help me much because the curry flavor just made me feel hot and even more awake... what a sad thing... >.<''

haiz... so, what next? There is no any sleeping pills for me... but soon I found something that might make my eyes tired... Mass Media Law's notes... I started to read it as much as I can... but I gave up when I reached third page because I couldn't really understand it at all... well, luckily reading something that confused me really did help me feel tired and sleepy...

So, finally I can sleep but it's around 3.30am that time... haiz... I was just want to change my bed time earlier so that I can wake up earlier but still doesn't make any changes at all... haiz... what a pity thing... however, I forced myself to wake up at 9am even I was not enough of sleep... but Chin Eng even surprised me because he just went to bed around 7am... O.o really "geng"

Oh yah... don't tell someone else that I use the Law notes for other purpose, k? hahaha... ^^''

"Again" ^^

Yesterday... I was very happy to see all the D5 students appear in the class finally... especially Mervin and Park Mun... since we had done a lot of assignments together from last last semester... ^^ and the class we attended today was quite fun and meaningful for me... because I'm going to learn some I think is useful to me from Packaging Design and a "funny" tutor for Mass Media Law class... and we are given assignments start from this week and I really hope that we all can improve ourselves and done better than last assignments with cooperation from each other of course... ^^ hahaha...

Yesterday... went to Jusco again... I had been to Jusco 3 times within 4 days... hahaha... what a Jusco Lover... well, the main purpose for this time is actually to help Mervin to look for new shoes that suit him... we had been through a lot of shops and finally we had found a shoe that has quite similar color with Shu Ping's shoe... hahaha... the color of the shoe really attractive and striking with light orange color... I also quite like it because of the shinning things... ^^

Then, we were having our tea break at Old Town and we also went to Fun Zone again to enjoy the games... This time, we all played the basketball and I just scored 86... hahaha... I did improve from the last time I played it... but I really admired with Ryan because he scored 439... really "pro" and Wei Lyn not bad too because she also did it better than mine... hahaha... I really wish to play it again next time... ^^ Next, we were hanging around inside the MPH bookstore for the rest of time before dinner... and I think we were the only group that speak so loud upstair of the bookstore but luckily most people are Malays... so, they didn't understand what we were chatting there... hahaha...

Soon 7pm... it was time for our dinner and we also invited Shu Ping, Siew Fang, Hanz and Shi Rui to join with us... and the place was 黄色店... again... hahaha... that time, we can imagine Siew Fang's expression once after she heard from Shu Ping for having dinner at 黄色店 "AGAIN" although we were in different place... hahaha... but this time some of us decided to eat Bak Ku Teh... so, it did different from yesterday... ^^

After having dinner, 8 of us just sat there and chatted with many different topics... and it was really very funny... we were chatting from planning for the coming holidays to group assignments, from group assignments to the funny tutor, from funny tutor to drama, from drama to different types of "banana", from the "banana" to many other topics again... I was just listening to them and laughing all the times until my stomachache... hahaha... well, I really enjoyed this kind of conversation and it reminds me what happened after we had our steamboot at Shu Ping's house and having such type of conversation inside her room together... I was really enjoying it and I also think that we were the only group that making so much noise over there... again... hahaha... well, this is how D5 always be~ and I really like it... ^^

Time just passed so fast, we had chatted for about 1 hour there but still no result yet for the holiday plan and division of group... hahaha... nevermind... so, we can have this kind of conversation "again" for next time, right? hahaha... ^^


School Day...

First day of second week for the school... the class is starting on 4pm, so I decide to wake up at around 2pm but however I try to force myself to wake up earlier because I think if I keep wake up this late, I will become a very very lazy person... because almost everyday I sleep on 3am and wake up on 2pm during the weekend... haiz... I think my lazyness is back again since during the holiday... ahhh.... I don't want to be like this..... can someone stop me from become a lazy guy? XD

Today's class is quite normal as usual but still I miss some of my friend that haven't show up their face since the semester start especially someone again... >.< Soon, we have our new assignment to start this week and so I won't be so bored again... hahaha... need to thanks the lecturer, I think... ^^''

After the class, I just follow Chin Eng to look for some magazines at Wangsa Maju and then we proceed to Jusco to buy some stuff. But something happened on the way to Jusco... I was asked by a lady to support their handcraft by just give her my name... the lady also said that's not a money donation but just a supporting for their handcraft... and so I just trust what she said and sign up my name in the form... but.................... she showed me a handcraft with the price RM30 one and RM50 for 2...... the first thing came into my mind was =.= "我受骗了" I had been cheated... again! Fine... I just "buy" 1 for RM30 to "support" their handcraft so I can escape faster... and I was really regret about it... haiz.... very very pain and sad for my RM30 just for a little little box... next time, I really hope there is someone can save me from this kind of people so I won't be so upset for my money again.... T-T

Well, inadvertently both of us meet up with Wei Lyn, Siew Fang and Shu Ping in the Jusco... So, we all walk around together to buy food, snacks, milk, detergen, drinks, etc etc...... And we end up at the Yellow Store (黄色店)to have our dinner... for me, it's my lunch actually... hahaha.... and I wonder why they called the stall as 黄色店... maybe the canopy they used is yellow color? Whatever... I just enjoy my dinner with them and I think the price is worth for what we had... just the food a little unsatisfied...

Well, that's all for today and I'm happy for able to see Mervin and the rest tomorrow... hehe... ^^


Shopping at Jusco

Today is quite boring for me to stay at home without doing anything... so I decided to went out for a walk... then I plan to go to Jusco to shop and buy something alone...

Well, I think this is not my first time do such thing, I mean shopping alone... because all my friend had just went back to their hometown again every weekend except me... but anyway I'm quite enjoying myself and I have to use to be...

This time I plan to waste most of my time here by going to all the departments since I have nothing to do with the rest of my time at home... haha... when came to the toy department, I found something very very cute~ there are a lot of Halloween's stuff: pumpkin lantern, witches hat and broom, scary mask, etc etc... haha... I really amaze with those funny stuff in Jusco... really unexpectable~

Then, I also went for a walk in MPH book store to look for the famous novel: Twilight... woah~ it's really thicker than text book... I think I'm not going to read it because I prefer enjoying the movie that I had watched recently and I'm waiting for its next coming movie, New Moon and Eclipse...

Next, I also been to the house furnishings department where I never go with my friends before but just get pass of it... well, there do a lot of furniture and electric appliance... but the only things that attract me was the design of glass and mugs... they are too adorable for me... those people really think of how convenience of people hold it... cool~

Lastly, I go to the necesity department to look for some snacks and sweets... and you know what, it's really make you to learn things when shop alone because you need to consider about everything that you bought and your budget...

After shop for around 4 hours, my stomach was really hungry and I took a meal at McD before went home... it's really tiring for me today but at least I found something to fill my time... haha... then, I took a short nap straight away reached home... Zzz Zzz......


尤其是Ee Kim、诗慧、秀芳、燕薇等人

给某人的话:"Don't think too much"是你曾对我说的,那我也原封归还给你。Because I'm not thinking that much as you thought for sometimes... that's might just all your self imagination as well too... so, don't think too much as how you tell me before, k? ^^


第一堂lecture —— Mass Media Law


今天教的是Mass Media Law,如你所见就是法律咯。没想到我们GD的也要读法律,没办法咯,老师教什么,我就学什么咯,也算是一门知识嘛。或许因为迟到的关系吧,而且还是跟别的course的学生一起上,突然很多生疏的面孔让我觉得怪怪的,简直好像是first year first sem。但我想主因还是坐在我旁边的那班女生好吵哦,让我觉得更不自然,因为害怕老师会突然生气啊。

时间过得很快,一下下就上完了这堂课。因为电脑坏了不能用,所以老师今天也只是简单的讲解Copyright Law罢了。说真的,Law这一课让我有点紧张,也有点curious,也很想知道它的assignment会是什么样的呢?毕竟我们之前都没有碰过这一类科目嘛。

跟庆恩吃过午餐后,就一起到图书馆去。幸好做了对的选择,因为看到很多参考书,突然也让我excited起来,尤其是packaging design的书,so colourful,也让我领悟到“书中自有黄金屋”这个道理哦。^^




今天是回学校的第一天,上的是colour studies的lecture。可是却发生预想不到的事,真的有够好笑的。我们班上就只来了9个人,但没关系。我只期待上课与学习的过程,可是我们整个course的人等了半个小时,老师还是没来。我们都很失望了,也打算准备回家去。但就在我们离开的时候,老师终于来了。我们当然还是留下来上课咯,也原谅老师的迟到,毕竟今天是第一天嘛。

然后老师就准备show power point的slide show给我们看。结果,我们全部人看了,都非常惊讶!因为slide show显示的是Radio and DJ还有Diploma in Broadcast Communication Year 1。我们所有人就认为老师进错班了,可是老师说他的时间表没有错,反而还叫我们再检查回我们的时间表,是否有看错。那时候我还很想说:“老师,我们这里有五十多双眼睛,会有可能看错吗?”=.= 亏我还这么期待着一堂课,还等了半个小时,却来了一个教别的科目的老师... 真的有够好笑咯!

就这样,我们叫course rep去office comfirm一下,可是office好像关了。这很明显是office的错了,难怪我们的时间表这么快能够在Intranet那里登出,原来是错的。Haiz... 我们这一趟又白来了,就这样我们各自回家咯。>.<''



星期二从槟城回来,星期三在家养病,星期四我就自己一个人搭长途巴士回外婆家去。我外婆家就在彭亨州的一个小镇叫作劳勿(Raub)。而且原来Hanz和晓莹的家也是在那里呢,真的想去找他们玩。但是,我目前都不知道我外婆家有什么地方好玩... =.=

第二就是要找找下Hanz的家在哪里,因为我和他都是同一个kampung,叫做Kampung Sempalit。


当每次我回外婆家,我都有机会驾不同的车。以前学驾车的时候,大舅就用Proton Wira和Nissan Sunny来教我。拿了车牌后,我就驾Proton Perdana。现在呢,我就有机会驾Toyota Estima。舅舅除了生意用的3辆罗厘外,我都可以使用那4辆车。可是我都在外婆家很少出门,所以都没什么使用。就有一次载表妹表弟们去吃东西,我才有那么一次亲自驾那辆新车,感觉上还好啦。也不知道是不是这村里的人都发达了,家家门口都有车。结果村里的路本来就很小了,现在拿来停车就更小了,所以我在那里驾车都要非常小心,因为舅舅的车都挺大的。

之前在槟城每天都吃4餐,可是那天在外婆家那里量了一下自己的体重,还真的不敢相信。上次是40kg,现在呢却不到42kg。难道就好像人家说的那样“越吃越瘦”吗?=.= 庆幸马来西亚没有大风暴或是龙卷风,不然我可能会被吹走哦。^^''






我们到了槟城也已经12点了。不过摈城的夜景也蛮不错的。如果从槟威大桥看过去的话,就会有很多花花绿绿的灯。我们就由我姑丈的堂弟带领下,先到五洲酒店check in。然后就是宵夜时间咯~ 告诉你好了,只要跟着姑丈,最不怕没得吃,因为他在这方面真的非常大方。只要是好吃的,要他掏钱包就不难了。呵呵呵... 就只是宵夜,而我们也只是点的都是小吃,都要花接近3百块了。吃饱过后,我们就留下所有大人在餐厅聊天,而我们小的就自己走回去酒店休息。从我们走回酒店这一段路程,我们可以看到很多三轮车、各式花样的旅馆、还有一些从以前留下来的屋子。其实槟城也没有我想像中的小,因为那里都有很多建筑物和小径。如果一不小心,我们真的会迷路呢,尤其是第一次来槟城的我们。


接下来,就是要参观寺庙。首先就是一间出名四面神的庙(忘了叫什么名字),然后就是出名的极乐寺。由于玩到累了,就先回到酒店休息。然后晚餐我们决定要到Batu Feringgi吃,因为导游说那里食物很好吃。路途还经过The Ship,要不是大人们对西餐没兴趣的话,我还真的很想去那里尝下。忘了那里的店什么名字,就只知道那里的食物真的很好吃,而且也真的很贵!因为我没吃过1只50块的烧鱼!在那里我就吃了蠔煎、鸡扒、炒果条、烧鱼、沙爹、炸春卷等。肚子吃的饱饱才回酒店。晚上我们就去坐三轮车到附近绕一圈。坐三轮车也不便宜。一辆15块,6辆就90块了,感觉上好像有点被骗,因为根本就没介绍什么好地方就回来了。坐完三轮车后,我们就到那里的海湾吃宵夜。听说那里的rojak很出名,所以我们就只叫了rojak还有

第三天吃过早餐后,我们就到槟城的蝴蝶园参观。蝴蝶园也在Batu Feringgi那里,所以里我们酒店真的很远。蝴蝶园除了看蝴蝶外,还能看到很多爬行动物和鱼。接下来的活动就对我们小孩子没什好玩,因为大人们就到那里拜访亲戚,所以我们小孩子就留在酒店玩PS2,看戏还有游泳咯。直到大人们回来,我们又出去吃。这次我们就到New Lane那里吃晚餐,听说这里很出名,所以就来一趟。Wah...那里还真的是人山人海呢,可见那里的食物真的吸引了很多人。原来这里的干捞面真的挺不错的,当然还有我之前吃的小吃咯。就这样,我这几天都是一天吃四餐的。结果,吃饱过头,好不舒服哦,所以今天就提早回去休息,要不然我还想吃那里的asam laksa和虾面才回去,毕竟我们明天早上就要起程回家了。


这次的槟城之旅呢,我本人觉得还不错啦。如果对小孩子来说的话,或许会很闷吧。因为我们都是参观罢了,唯有吃的方面就真的很有口福咯。也因为吃太多,还我在最后一天病倒了,头痛发烧起来。怎么办?我还答应好在外婆家的妈妈要去外婆家一趟呢... >.<




但是前一天的晚上,不知道怎么的。我的心情变得很低落,也根本无法入眠,但我还是只睡了3个小时就出发到Wangsa Maju LRT跟维玲和Mervin会合了。原来要从Wangsa去Sunway是很远的,我想单单路程也费了我们一个小时吧。到了目的地之后,我们就由Mervin的带领下,到柜台那里给钱,然后换上溜冰鞋咯。呵呵...那时候的心情也从低落变成紧张起来了。本来这次溜冰,还约了秀芳,但她好像有事不能来了,所以就只我们三个人一边滑,一边等着迟迟未到的淑娉。


溜冰真的不简单,因为如果一不小心就会跌到咯。那天还真的有很多人滑到呢,也包括我们。我在这一次就已经跌了4次了。不过,跌倒过后的确会使我进步。我也开始慢慢的享受着溜冰的乐趣。我们就这样从12点左右玩到大约5点就到此为止了,肚子也饿俄了。所以我们就去吃Pizza Hut,然后再到Popular逛逛。Sunway Pyramid的Popular是我一生以来看过最大的,在那里真的可以找到很多很多东西,简直是包罗万象。在那里逗留太久也使我有点舍不得离开呢。




我记得曾经跟Mervin、Park Mun、庆恩、维玲、Tong Tong、佩莹、诗蕊还有淑娉一起去唱歌。与其说去唱歌,但我其实多数都在听歌吧。呵呵... 最令我感到惊讶的是原来我们班上的女生都很会唱歌。而我最佩服的是佩莹了,因为她都是挑战高音的曲子,而且还不曾走音呢,真的很厉害。至于维玲也不赖,因为不管是重音还是清音都能够带出那种感觉来。其他人我也不必多说,因为我相信只要用心还有带着感情去唱,就已经相当动听了。所以每次我跟随大家去唱K的时候,感觉上好像变成了大家的小小演唱会。而我就是大家的听众,除了用耳朵听之外,还用心去聆听,去感受大家的心声。呵呵呵...

但除了聆听之外,我有时也会看着荧幕上的歌词,随着旋律默默地低唱呢。当然我是不想被人家发现咯,可是就有一次不小心被诗蕊发现了,还告诉了维玲。结果在那次跟维玲、Mervin、Tong Tong还有佩莹去的那时候,在大家的强逼之下,我只好献丑咯。呵呵... 不过那次还真的很过瘾呢。哈哈...
