
Yesterday night...

Yesterday night... I was just acting weird... why? Erm... maybe because of hungry? =.='' After hang out with friends and finish settle down my things, then I went to sleep earlier... around 10.30pm if I was not mistaken because quite tired and sleepy too...

But... I was awake at around 12am... and I tried to continue my sleep but end up around 1am, yet I was still awake... oh my god... I couldn't sleep anymore so how? Then, I woke up and opened my laptop and watched 2 epidsode of anime... finished and went to my bed again...

Until 2am... I was just lying on the bed with open eyes... and thinking what happen to me that cause me can't sleep... =.= haiz... then, I think I might be hungry because when I was hungry, it will makes me awake and try to look for some food to eat... then, I cooked a bowl of curry mee by myself... finished but this couldn't help me much because the curry flavor just made me feel hot and even more awake... what a sad thing... >.<''

haiz... so, what next? There is no any sleeping pills for me... but soon I found something that might make my eyes tired... Mass Media Law's notes... I started to read it as much as I can... but I gave up when I reached third page because I couldn't really understand it at all... well, luckily reading something that confused me really did help me feel tired and sleepy...

So, finally I can sleep but it's around 3.30am that time... haiz... I was just want to change my bed time earlier so that I can wake up earlier but still doesn't make any changes at all... haiz... what a pity thing... however, I forced myself to wake up at 9am even I was not enough of sleep... but Chin Eng even surprised me because he just went to bed around 7am... O.o really "geng"

Oh yah... don't tell someone else that I use the Law notes for other purpose, k? hahaha... ^^''

