
The taxi driver

Sorry, guys... it's been a while for me haven't update my blog once after back from Terengganu because I was quite busy with some assignments that require full concentration for it, a t-shirt design for a competition... however, I will try to blog about the Terengganu trip IF I have the time to settle with the photo uploading problems...

Well, these few days actually did happened a lot of things but now I really want to talk about what I had experienced today inside the taxi in the way from Dasein to the Wangsa Maju LRT Station.........

The taxi driver is an older chinese adult with around 40+ ages I guess... after we enter the taxi and See Hwai told him our destination, he just asked us back of which way we want to take to reach the LRT station... of course we want to take the shortest way but we haven't reply him in time, he just keep saying that we are mute in Cantonese and Mandarin all the way to the station... and asked us this and that until we really don't want to speak with him because we are really tired after attend the whole day class especially just finish the Mass Media Law tutorial... and I'm the one most unluckly because I sat the front seat which next to the driver... I just endured with those noise that made by the uncle until something funny happen......

See Hwai suddenly spoke up with Mandarin and made a really funny story that really surprised us... she just told the uncle that we all are English educated since we were young, we all speak English to each other include to our parents all the times, our grandpa and grandma are also English educated and even the father of our grandpa is also English educated too... (公公的爸爸妈妈也是讲英文的) Ee Kim, Chin Eng and me were there to bear with what See Hwai said but actually we really want to laugh at that time... and the story haven't end yet until the uncle keep asking her with different questions:

Uncle: 你们不会讲话的吗?哑巴的吗?你们不是华人不会讲华语还是广东话吗?
See: 我们全部讲英文长大的,跟爸爸妈妈也是讲英文的。公公婆婆也是讲英文的。
Ee Kim, Chin Eng & me: !!
Uncle: 哦,你们真的不会讲华语的吗?
See: 他们不是不会讲,只是怕讲的不准罢了。前面那个是混血儿来的,他的公公的爸爸妈妈也是讲英文的。
Ee Kim, Chin Eng & me: !!!
Uncle: 你们是学生吗?读拉曼的,是吗?
See: 哦,我们只有一个是读拉曼的,他就是还在那里学着华语...
Ee Kim, Chin Eng & me: !!!!
Uncle: 噢,我还以为你们真的是哑巴,不会讲话的... 不会讲,可以慢慢学...
Ee Kim, Chin Eng & me: =.=

I think the conversation was about like that... and what is in my mind that time is:“Walao...未免太扯了吧。什么公公的爸爸妈妈也是讲英文的,还有什么混血儿?好假... =.=”And this is my very first time that I saw See Hwai has that kind talent of making story, what a "good" story maker...and I also really "admire" See Hwai of her courage and dare to say somethings that are fake with a blink of eyes... hahaha... but it seems like the uncle really believe to what See Hwai bluff... what should I say, how fool of that uncle? Anyway, I don't wish to see this kind of taxi driver again because for me, he looks doesn't have any respect at all... how disappointed...

Well, that's all I want to share with you all about funny story in the taxi today... if you would like to ask more detail, maybe you can ask Chin Eng to act it out... because it's really very funny... hahaha....

1 条评论:

  1. Sorry! Till 2day oli i read ur blog...
    Walau! She so geng de oh~ haha...
