
Shopping at Jusco

Today is quite boring for me to stay at home without doing anything... so I decided to went out for a walk... then I plan to go to Jusco to shop and buy something alone...

Well, I think this is not my first time do such thing, I mean shopping alone... because all my friend had just went back to their hometown again every weekend except me... but anyway I'm quite enjoying myself and I have to use to be...

This time I plan to waste most of my time here by going to all the departments since I have nothing to do with the rest of my time at home... haha... when came to the toy department, I found something very very cute~ there are a lot of Halloween's stuff: pumpkin lantern, witches hat and broom, scary mask, etc etc... haha... I really amaze with those funny stuff in Jusco... really unexpectable~

Then, I also went for a walk in MPH book store to look for the famous novel: Twilight... woah~ it's really thicker than text book... I think I'm not going to read it because I prefer enjoying the movie that I had watched recently and I'm waiting for its next coming movie, New Moon and Eclipse...

Next, I also been to the house furnishings department where I never go with my friends before but just get pass of it... well, there do a lot of furniture and electric appliance... but the only things that attract me was the design of glass and mugs... they are too adorable for me... those people really think of how convenience of people hold it... cool~

Lastly, I go to the necesity department to look for some snacks and sweets... and you know what, it's really make you to learn things when shop alone because you need to consider about everything that you bought and your budget...

After shop for around 4 hours, my stomach was really hungry and I took a meal at McD before went home... it's really tiring for me today but at least I found something to fill my time... haha... then, I took a short nap straight away reached home... Zzz Zzz......

