
Going To Terengganu~

Today's first class is Mass Media Law... the only subject that make me quite blur and can't fully understand it at all even I try to concentrate and listen to the class for 2 hours... quite disppointed... I hope the tutor can help me to solve the problems... or otherwise I will face a really serious matter... >.<

Then, we are briefed by our Marketing tutor for our group assignment... erm.... I think this assignment shouldn't be a problem for us since we had done almost the same stuff with advertising last semester... but, however I'm still confused with some part of the assignment and we haven't decide our group yet... this is the major trouble that we're all facing now... haiz... don't know how...

This semester we're going to study about Malaysia Culture too... and today is the first tutorial class... for us as graphic designer, we just think this subject is really done nothing with our course but still we need to learn more about our culture because we're Malaysian... anyway, today's class is quite fun for me and hope I able to do well in every presentation with enough preparation... hehehe...^^

Oh yah... there is also something that very funny happen today too... the bookseller just mess up himself by free us 1 more set of statute book and money too... this is my fisrt time having this kind of situation... what can I say... so lucky~ hahaha... I thought my friends will return the extra books and money back to the bookseller... however we didn't do so but we just distributed the extra money to ourselves and sell the extra set of book to another friend... hahaha... see, how bad we are for not being honest... hahaha.... XD

Next, I would like to say that I had made a decision that might shocked my parents and even myself today... which is I'm going to Mervin's house at Terengganu for 3 days... I really wonder what if I tell my parents later and what will be their expression... hahaha... because this is my first time going some place that far without my parents or auntie or uncle's care with my friends... anyway, I will take it as a challenge to take good care of myself at a unfamiliar place... and of course I will fully enjoy with my friends and take a lot of pictures too... hehe... XD

Well, tell you the truth, I'm now a little bit nervous and excited for this weekend's planning... hehehe...^^

