
School Day...

First day of second week for the school... the class is starting on 4pm, so I decide to wake up at around 2pm but however I try to force myself to wake up earlier because I think if I keep wake up this late, I will become a very very lazy person... because almost everyday I sleep on 3am and wake up on 2pm during the weekend... haiz... I think my lazyness is back again since during the holiday... ahhh.... I don't want to be like this..... can someone stop me from become a lazy guy? XD

Today's class is quite normal as usual but still I miss some of my friend that haven't show up their face since the semester start especially someone again... >.< Soon, we have our new assignment to start this week and so I won't be so bored again... hahaha... need to thanks the lecturer, I think... ^^''

After the class, I just follow Chin Eng to look for some magazines at Wangsa Maju and then we proceed to Jusco to buy some stuff. But something happened on the way to Jusco... I was asked by a lady to support their handcraft by just give her my name... the lady also said that's not a money donation but just a supporting for their handcraft... and so I just trust what she said and sign up my name in the form... but.................... she showed me a handcraft with the price RM30 one and RM50 for 2...... the first thing came into my mind was =.= "我受骗了" I had been cheated... again! Fine... I just "buy" 1 for RM30 to "support" their handcraft so I can escape faster... and I was really regret about it... haiz.... very very pain and sad for my RM30 just for a little little box... next time, I really hope there is someone can save me from this kind of people so I won't be so upset for my money again.... T-T

Well, inadvertently both of us meet up with Wei Lyn, Siew Fang and Shu Ping in the Jusco... So, we all walk around together to buy food, snacks, milk, detergen, drinks, etc etc...... And we end up at the Yellow Store (黄色店)to have our dinner... for me, it's my lunch actually... hahaha.... and I wonder why they called the stall as 黄色店... maybe the canopy they used is yellow color? Whatever... I just enjoy my dinner with them and I think the price is worth for what we had... just the food a little unsatisfied...

Well, that's all for today and I'm happy for able to see Mervin and the rest tomorrow... hehe... ^^

