
"Again" ^^

Yesterday... I was very happy to see all the D5 students appear in the class finally... especially Mervin and Park Mun... since we had done a lot of assignments together from last last semester... ^^ and the class we attended today was quite fun and meaningful for me... because I'm going to learn some I think is useful to me from Packaging Design and a "funny" tutor for Mass Media Law class... and we are given assignments start from this week and I really hope that we all can improve ourselves and done better than last assignments with cooperation from each other of course... ^^ hahaha...

Yesterday... went to Jusco again... I had been to Jusco 3 times within 4 days... hahaha... what a Jusco Lover... well, the main purpose for this time is actually to help Mervin to look for new shoes that suit him... we had been through a lot of shops and finally we had found a shoe that has quite similar color with Shu Ping's shoe... hahaha... the color of the shoe really attractive and striking with light orange color... I also quite like it because of the shinning things... ^^

Then, we were having our tea break at Old Town and we also went to Fun Zone again to enjoy the games... This time, we all played the basketball and I just scored 86... hahaha... I did improve from the last time I played it... but I really admired with Ryan because he scored 439... really "pro" and Wei Lyn not bad too because she also did it better than mine... hahaha... I really wish to play it again next time... ^^ Next, we were hanging around inside the MPH bookstore for the rest of time before dinner... and I think we were the only group that speak so loud upstair of the bookstore but luckily most people are Malays... so, they didn't understand what we were chatting there... hahaha...

Soon 7pm... it was time for our dinner and we also invited Shu Ping, Siew Fang, Hanz and Shi Rui to join with us... and the place was 黄色店... again... hahaha... that time, we can imagine Siew Fang's expression once after she heard from Shu Ping for having dinner at 黄色店 "AGAIN" although we were in different place... hahaha... but this time some of us decided to eat Bak Ku Teh... so, it did different from yesterday... ^^

After having dinner, 8 of us just sat there and chatted with many different topics... and it was really very funny... we were chatting from planning for the coming holidays to group assignments, from group assignments to the funny tutor, from funny tutor to drama, from drama to different types of "banana", from the "banana" to many other topics again... I was just listening to them and laughing all the times until my stomachache... hahaha... well, I really enjoyed this kind of conversation and it reminds me what happened after we had our steamboot at Shu Ping's house and having such type of conversation inside her room together... I was really enjoying it and I also think that we were the only group that making so much noise over there... again... hahaha... well, this is how D5 always be~ and I really like it... ^^

Time just passed so fast, we had chatted for about 1 hour there but still no result yet for the holiday plan and division of group... hahaha... nevermind... so, we can have this kind of conversation "again" for next time, right? hahaha... ^^

