
Preparation to Terengganu

Class just end so quickly today... because we were just asked to show our idea development for T-shirt design to our tutor... that's it... but most of our works were rejected and need to improve more... so, I decided to redraw again based on what tutor told us this morning: simple but unique, do more research, creative without based on something and rational... great... finally know what exactly the tutor ask for...

After the class, I was going to Public Bank at Genting Kelang to pay the school fee with Mervin, Wei Lyn, Chin Eng and Hanz... but unfortunately the system down when Wei Lyn and me made the payment... haiz... so bad luck and stupid system... >.<

So, we went for our lunch at there as well... I order the same food with Wei Lyn as she recommended to me and Chin Eng, Mushroom Chicken Soup... well, it really tasted good especially the soup really made me full... then, we're having our conversation again and this time was talking about some "weird" things that are quite embarrassed... I really don't have idea of how to intervene in this kind of topic at these public places... >////////< and sometimes I also not really understand with what they actually talking about and if I say something wrong... they will definitely laugh... so, I think I better keep quiet there and just listen to them... =.=

We were scared by the cloudy day that time and so we decided to go home after a long "weird" conversation there... and tomorrow we will depart to Terengganu... so, I'm now bothered with what should I bring for this vacation... luckily Mervin's house provide us some stuffs, so it really help us a lot... really thanks to Mervin ^^ Well, today need to sleep early so can wake up tomorrow early too... haha... really can't wait for it... hehehe... good night and have a sweet dream, everyone~

